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With Orbit


SchirmWith Orbit
00:00 / 03:07


500 Terry Francois Street
San Francisco, CA 94158

The Vulgar CrowdWith Orbit
00:00 / 04:13

Date of Birth:

March 14th, 1984

Reviews of With Orbit

Free Jazz Collective Nov. 2021
“The music is direct, nervous, energetic and combines raw tones

with moments of lyricism. It's not violent, aggressive or fast, just raw and fresh, stripped of all outward sophistication and finesse, yet driven by some brutal sense of authenticity and honesty. And strangely enough also friendly, close and intimate”.

Stef Gijssels


All About Jazz Aug. 2021
"If we had to categorize the sounds of Jeff Platz, Max Goldman,

and Brendan Carniaux , we might call it sneaky music. Not sneaky as in deceitful, more like wily or sly. Partly composed, mostly improvised, With Orbit trades in the art of sleight of hand".

Mark Corroto


Vital Weekly
"The trio offers eight very different compositions and improvisations that depart from diverse starting points. The opening track is a burning and cacophonic treat of rock-inspired improvisation. The track, ‘Schirm’, emerges slowly out of silence and is an opposite exercise of fragile and reduced interplay. For the rest of this recording, they often stay in these spacious territories, making the impression that they can move in any thinkable direction at any moment."


Full Circle Music Blog Dec. 2021
"The collective improvisation shows three musicians that

understand each other perfectly, they create a wonderful piece of music with an astonishing texture. Everyone of the eight tracks confirms what I said about the first three. These musicians know how to explode, but also how to create beautiful meditative scapes that take you away with every listen. This is improvised music that tells a story without losing sense. There's always direction, always a purpose, always a path. This is free, modern, deep and accessible along the way. Great stuff!"

Geert Ryssen


Jazzword Dec. 2021
Working forward from crowded and nearly opaque textures including organ-like tremolo tones from Platz, themes lighten and become more horizontal as they vibrate among hi-hat clips, pointed guitar strokes and darkened reed slurs. Shuddering barbed guitar licks, arrhythmic drum clangs and fragmented reed cries on “Throughout Always” foreshadow the diffuse timbres of the final four tracks. Drums rumbles, sax yowls and guitar shakes advance through strident sequences to create an exposition that is more distant yet strangely more rugged, in the penultimate “Memory Planks”. As the program thickens with clusters of percussion pumps and the reed surges, the guitarist cannily disrupts the mood with Morse-code-like jabs".

Ken Waxman

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